Überprüfung von Feststellanlagen, Brandschutztüren, Brandschutztoren & Rauchschutztüren gemäß DIN 14677

Fire closures, including, for example, fire doors, serve to compartmentalize a fire to prevent the spread of the damaging fire. If door or gate openings are present in fire walls or fire-resistant walls, they must be equipped with suitable fire and/or smoke protection closures. Hold-open systems ensure that fire closures remain open. In the event of a fire or smoke development, these systems automatically close after the integrated smoke detector is triggered.

If the fire door and hold-open system are professionally installed and functional, they can prevent financial damage and, without a doubt, save lives. For this reason, they must be inspected upon installation and regularly maintained, as required by regulations.

SNI-Nord offers a professional UVV inspection and maintenance service for hold-open systems (FAA), fire doors, fire gates, smoke protection doors, and smoke protection curtains in accordance with maintenance standard DIN 14677, ASR A1.7 (formerly BGR 232), DIBT, and LBO. Thanks to our years of experience and nationwide service points, we carry out inspections competently, reliably, and promptly.

Why are acceptance testing and maintenance essential?

The state building codes (LBO) of the respective federal states specify how fire doors and gates must be installed. Hold-open systems (FAA) must also comply with the guidelines of the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBT). Building fire insurance companies also impose strict rules and guidelines—not only concerning installation but also regarding regular inspection and maintenance.

The basis for these inspections is governed by the Workplace Ordinance (ArbStättV) § 53, the Model Building Code (MBO)/State Building Code (LBO) § 17, as well as the guidelines for hold-open systems. If all fire closures and hold-open systems are not properly inspected, the building operator may be held liable for property and personal damage in the event of an accident.

How often must the inspection take place?

As a building operator, you are required to have fire doors, gates, and hold-open systems inspected at least once a year, unless a shorter interval is specified in the approval notice.

Who is authorized to conduct the inspection?

Inspections and maintenance may only be carried out by a specialist or a trained person (expert/qualified person).

Expert Inspection and Maintenance with SNI-Nord

Whether it’s an acceptance test or an annual functional test (inspection) – SNI-Nord GmbH conducts these inspections at your site in accordance with the guidelines. Our qualified staff meet the competency requirements of DIN 14677 (specialist for the maintenance of hold-open systems) and assist you in early detection and repair of defective or worn components of your systems, helping to prevent major fire damage and extend the life of your fire protection systems.

The Scope of Inspection with SNI-Nord

During the annual inspection and maintenance, in addition to checking the detectors, maintenance of all devices, including the hold-open devices, must also be carried out. The scope, results, and timing of the inspection must be recorded in the inspection report, which must be retained by you as the operator. The inspection report, issued by our qualified staff, serves as proof for authorities and insurance companies.

Our UVV inspection service also meets the requirements of inspections by the competent fire protection authority. We offer door and gate services with various solutions and monitor your fire closures to ensure they close properly in the event of a fire.

Request a Non-Binding Inquiry with SNI-Nord

Thanks to our numerous service points throughout Germany, we conduct inspections quickly and reliably on-site. Simply schedule an appointment online with our qualified staff.

Have the inspection carried out professionally and effortlessly.

We are happy to provide you with a non-binding offer or consult with you on-site.

Information on the Installation of Fire Doors and Fire Gates

The installation of fire doors and gates is regulated by the respective State Building Code (LBO). These fire closures are classified into fire resistance classes according to DIN 4102/5. The fire resistance class depends on the building’s use and the requirements of the walls in the structure.

Fire doors and gates must never be wedged, jammed, or obstructed and must always be self-closing. Self-closing can be achieved, for example, via a hold-open system with a smoke detector.

Fire doors can also be smoke-tight. This requirement is regulated by DIN 18059, and their installation is mandated by the Model Building Code (MBO). Special smoke protection doors are self-closing doors with door closers according to DIN 18263. These doors prevent the spread of smoke gases within the building, stairwells, and escape routes in the event of a fire.

The following approvals and installation certificates must be present if a door or gate has been installed professionally:

  • Approval label on the door leaf

  • Certificate of conformity from the installation company confirming proper installation

  • Maintenance instructions

  • Approval label

We will, of course, issue these certificates to you after the inspection has been completed.

SNI-Nord Conducts Your Annual UVV Inspections

The inspection of fire gates, fire doors, hold-open systems, and smoke protection doors is just one of the many recurring annual UVV inspections where we provide you with reliable support. Our staff also conducts other mandatory UVV inspections, such as the inspection of personal protective equipment against falls (PSAgA), the inspection of power-operated windows, doors, and gates, or the inspection of steps and ladders. In this way, they help you fulfill your obligations and ensure maximum safety in your company.
