Testing of industrial trucks

Inspection of Industrial Trucks According to DGUV V 68 / FEM 4.004 (Formerly UVV or BGV)

Anyone operating industrial trucks (FFZ) in Germany is legally required to have them inspected for safety and functionality at least once a year. Safe operation of FFZ is only possible by ensuring they are in perfect technical condition.

SNI-Nord GmbH carries out the recurring inspection of industrial trucks according to DGUV V 68 (formerly UVV or BGV inspection) professionally and competently—independent of the manufacturer and across Germany!

Our qualified staff conducts inspections of pallet trucks, forklifts, and other industrial trucks according to FEM 4.004, including documentation and issuance of the inspection certificate. This way, we help you comply with the statutory accident prevention regulations and avoid any regulatory offenses.

Who Is Responsible for Inspecting Industrial Trucks?

According to §§ 9 and 37 of the DGUV Regulation 68 (formerly BGV D27) as of January 1, 1997, both the driver of the industrial truck and the employer as the operator are responsible. The driver must inspect the truck daily before starting operations and during use for any safety-related defects and report any issues. The employer is obligated to correct any defects that compromise safety before the truck is put back into operation.


How Often Must an Expert Inspect Industrial Trucks?

As an employer, you are required by § 37 ff. DGUV V 68 to have all industrial trucks, as well as all attachments and safety devices for industrial trucks in narrow-aisle warehouses, inspected by a qualified expert at least once a year. If you intentionally or negligently violate the provisions of § 9 para. 2 or §§ 37, 38 DGUV V 68, fines of up to €10,000 may be imposed. In the event of an accident where individuals are harmed, civil or criminal consequences could also follow. Insurers also require compliance with legal regulations and the presentation of corresponding proof.

Regular inspections of forklifts, pallet trucks, and other industrial trucks, including documentation and proof of inspection, are therefore in the best interest of every employer.

What Is Inspected During the FFZ Inspection?

The DGUV V 68 requires that industrial trucks (FFZ) undergo recurring inspections at least annually. Previously known as UVV or BGV inspections, they are now uniformly conducted and documented according to FEM 4.004. The inspections are divided into a minor inspection and a major inspection.


Scope of the Minor Inspection:

The minor inspection must be carried out every 500 to 600 operating hours. The following components are visually inspected and checked:

  • Forks

  • Bolts

  • Chassis

  • Chains


Scope of the Major Inspection:

The major inspection must be conducted after 2,000 to 2,400 operating hours or at least annually. It covers the entire industrial truck, including its equipment. Approximately 100 safety-related criteria are inspected and documented, including:

  • Steering

  • Brakes

  • Controls

  • Wheels

  • Drive system

  • Hydraulic system

  • Mast

  • Lift chains

  • Load handling devices

  • Driver protection roof

  • Seat & handholds for passengers

  • Lighting system

  • Signage

  • Towing device

  • Load capacity diagram


This comprehensive inspection ensures that the industrial truck remains safe and operational, meeting all legal requirements.


How Is the FFZ Inspection Documented?

According to DGUV V 68, a written documentation of the inspection is required. An appropriate inspection certificate should be accessible at all times. To help you demonstrate compliance with the recurring inspections, we document the inspection of your industrial trucks and provide you with the corresponding inspection certificate.

Our qualified staff can also handle the maintenance and inspection of pallet trucks, forklifts, and other industrial trucks at your location. Schedule an appointment by phone (04431 7482748), by email (info@sni-nord.de), or conveniently online!

SNI-Nord: Experienced UVV Inspectors

When it comes to annual UVV inspections, we are your reliable and experienced partner. Our services include the inspection of industrial trucks, as well as the inspection of ladders and steps, and power-operated windows, doors, and gates.

  • With nationwide service points, we can be quickly and flexibly on-site at your location.

  • Our inspectors conduct the inspections professionally, competently, and independently of the manufacturer.

  • The inspection is carried out reliably and in compliance with standards according to DGUV V 68 / FEM 4.004.
